Pinguecula is an injury on the eye of some sort or another – as is pterygium. The two problems look like each other such a lot of they are frequently confused with each other.

A pinguecula (plural, pingueculae) is a thick פטריגיום surface sore along the sclera (the white region) of the eye close to its boundaries with the cornea. The sore is raised marginally and white to yellow in variety. The pinguecula generally begins in the palpebral gap (the surface region isolating the upper and lower eyelids). It shows up more dark than sound conjunctiva (the mucous film covering the internal eyelid surface and the white of the eye), has a sleek appearance, and is bound to be situated spot on (instead of the ear) side of the eye.

Pterygium (plural, pterygia) is a three-sided, wing-like sore that really attacks the cornea, for the most part close to the nose and in the space persistent with the conjunctiva. It tends to be recognized by its head – a raised, rich, obscure tissue on the cornea. However habitually not sight-undermining, extreme pterygium can incur corneal visual impairment.

The two sores are comparable in cell/tissue structures. A pinguecula is recognizable from a pterygium by its position comparative with the cornea and the flat direction of its harmed tissues. Notwithstanding, a pinguecula can change into a pterygium when it gets over onto the cornea.


The reasons for pinguecula and pterygium are not plainly settled. There is sound proof, nonetheless, that the two circumstances are unequivocally connected with rehashed, long haul openness to the blue and bright groups of the light range. It isn’t incidental that they are more probable situated around the cusp of the cornea, which is the part with most noteworthy openness to daylight. The cornea and conjunctiva experience the ill effects of openness to bright radiation, particularly when stores of the accommodating cell reinforcements glutathione and astaxanthin are decreased.

Pinguecula is additionally connected with expanding age. Pingueculae have filled in many eyes by age 70 and in essentially everyone’s eyes by age 80. This is in all likelihood an outcome of slow crumbling of the conjunctiva, because of maturing, past irritations, constant disturbance, and dryness of the eyes.

Pterygium has been inseparably connected with patients living at scopes of 37 degrees north and south of the equator – which seems to reinforce the relationship with UV-light openness. Innate impacts have additionally been portrayed. Another reason is human papilloma infection disease.

Similarly as pinguecula, pterygium is thought to create from steady presence to clean, low moistness (which can prompt quick tear dissipation and dry eyes), and minuscule harm from particles in the air like smoke and sand. Dry eye side effects may likewise be puzzling variables.